Pumping Station
This station is located 5Km away from the north of Getsish village and adjacent to the right bank of the Dez River between two sandstone complications.
The required water for the agricultural sector is conducted through the canal to the desert after entering the mouth of the intake. After leaving about 34% of the sediment in this pond and entering the cellars, 9 electropumps, including 6 large devices with a capacity of 3.3 cubic meters per second, and three small units with a capacity of 1.1 cubic meters per second 23 cubic meters per second pumping discharge into the main stream of the main canal.
Pumps at pump station
- Concrete intake with 50m inlet opening and 15.4 m ending and 40m length
- Concrete input conversion with an initial width of 15.4m and 6m ending and 21.5m length
- Concrete canal with 6m width and 30m length
- Stilling basin with 6m initial width and 38.5m ending and 55m length
- Two-storey building of pump station with dimensions of 40.8*14.2m with a height of 17 meters
- The pump house equipment consists of 6 units of pump with the capacity of 3.3 m3/s and 3 units of pump with the capacity of 1.1 m3/s.
- Two transformer units 6.3-33 KV with 10 megawatt amps and 0.4-33 KV with the power of 160 Kv.
- Duck bill concrete overflow in the size of 14.27 × 32.7 m
- Concrete output conversion with an initial width of 16.5m and 3m ending and 23m length
- Brick building of command center with an infrastructure of 270 m
Water supply channels
The main water supply channel
The channel is constructed in 5060m length in the form of trapezoid with a floor width of 3m and
a height of 10.3m and 12-cm concrete casing. This channel is responsible for transferring water to P1 and P2 grade one channels.
- Water supply channel with concretecovering with 5670m length, trapezoidal with 3m width and 2.8m height
- Two-way access roads to the sides of the channel with a width of 3.5m and a height of 0-11m.
- 16 m3/s channel flow and free board for 23 m3/s pumps and more
Grade One Water Supply Channel
Irrigation Networks
The conducted water by the channel is distributed through channels 1, 2, and 3, and finally the relevant structures and hydrophilic tubes in farm lands. These channels are trapezoidal and concrete coatings and they were put on the surface of the excavation with the required elevation due to the topographic characteristics.
Underground and open drains
Underwater drainage lines with the potential of removing salinity and soil salts and keeping the groundwater level is responsible for plant root protector against caries from the vicinity of groundwater at depths of 2 to 8.2m with varying lengths and specified distances using porous PVC tubes and segregated filters. The excess water from these drains is led by the open drains of the lands then the collectors are conducted to the Dez River through the main drains.
Construction of the transmission line to the pumping station
The required electricity for the pumping station is provided by a 33Km long power grid and 7 megawatts power supply via Abdul Khan station at the company’s own expense. Preservation of this network is now managed by a high-power unit of the company under the supervision of the management of the pumping station.